Sultan Chand

Cost Accounting - Principles and Practices: A Textbook for B.Com (Hons), Semester IV


Rs. 382.00 Rs. 425.00

It gives us immense pleasure to bring out the first edition of
Cost Accounting—Principles and Practices. The book is a comprehensive
work written in a simple and lucid style. Students will find it very useful in
fully grasping the various cost concepts. A number of practical problems
with solutions have been given at chapter-end to test the understanding
ability of the students. A good number of exercise questions with answers
have also been given at the end of each chapter. The book is very studentfriendly
and will be of great help in preparing for the examinations.
While fully covering the syllabus of B.Com. (Hons), Semester IV, CBCS,
University of Delhi, the book will also serve the needs of students appearing
in Cost Accounting examinations of other Universities, both in India and