Sultan Chand & Sons (P) Ltd.

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T.S. Grewal's Double Entry Book Keeping

CA (Dr.) G.S. Grewal

Rajendra Pal
Essentials of English Grammar and Composition

Rajendra Pal

Dr. Sachin Gupta
Decoding Artificial Intelligence

Dr. Sachin Gupta

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Bansal's Mathematics

Dr. Ashish Bansal

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Computer Science | Information Technology

Preeti Arora

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Vijay Kapur

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Sultan Chand & Sons (P) Ltd

A name to be reckoned with in the world of educational publishing. The House draws its rich lineage from a publishing house established in 1950 and today caters to students from Pre-Primary to College level, with nearly 500 titles under its belt, and counting.

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Engaging Workshops
Curriculum Insights
Author Expertise
Collaborative Learning
From local roots to a global footprint, we bring world-class books and resources to educators, authors, and readers across the globe. Our mission is to make quality education accessible everywhere.
We collaborate with celebrated authors who are the stars of the publishing world, bringing their expertise and creativity to empower educators and learners alike.
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