Indian Economic Development: Textbook for CBSE Class 12 (2025-26 Examination)
Author: V.K. Puri, Bharat Garg
Indian Economic Development for Class XII is strictly based on the Indian Economy syllabus prescribed by the CBSE and covers all topics in a comprehensive manner. The book has been divided into three units.
Unit 1 consists of three chapters (chapters 1 to 3) in which the state of the Indian economy at the time of Independence, the planning experiment over the period 1951-1990 (generally known as the pre-reforms period), progress of Indian economy during the pre-economic reforms period (1947–1990) and the development during the period of economic reforms (the period since 1991) have been discussed.
Unit 2 of the book is spread over four chapters (chapters 4 to 7) where a number of issues and challenges facing the Indian economy have been taken care of, which include the problem of unemployment, rural development, human capital formation and sustainable development.
Unit 3, the last unit of the book, consists of one chapter (Chapter 8) where the development experience of India as compared to two of its important neighbours—China and Pakistan— has been discussed.
Salient Features of the Book:
- Objective Type Questions (MCQs, Fill in the Blanks, True/False)
- Competency-Based Questions
- Statement-Based/Assertion-Reason Based Questions
- Case-Based/Source-Based Integrated Questions (Solved)
- Project Work
- Sample Question Paper—2023–24 (Solved)
- Model Test Paper (Solved)
- Self-Practice Paper