Sultan Chand

New Fundamentals of Mathematics: Textbook for ICSE Class X

Author: Anil K. Verma

Rs. 630.00

The noteworthy features of the book are:

  • An informal style and age-appropriate language so that students have no difficulty in reading and understanding the content of this textbook on their own. This will also facilitate the teacher’s work.
  • A large number of illustrative examples, worked out step by step, to enable the students to comprehend the full depth and range of application of the concepts involved. It will also enable the students to recognise and understand mathematical situations around them.
  • Carefully designed and graded exercises to give students adequate practice in the foregoing theoretical discussion without unduly burdening them.
  • ICSE Examination Questions for Practice—an exclusive exercise provided in each chapter, which includes the latest questions.
  • Chapter at a Glance at the end of each chapter for a quick revision of the concepts explained in the chapter and to evaluate the students’ grasp.
  • Chapter Test given at the end of every chapter aims at self-assessment by the student.
  • Unit Review Exercise after every unit is another step in self-assessment.
  • Guidelines for Working on Internal Assessment Assignments.
  • Self-Practice Test Papers, as per the latest syllabus, given to provide ample practice.
  • Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables appended at the end of the book.