TestFit - The Entrance Cracker: Accountancy (CUET UG)
Beginning 2022-23 academic session, the Ministry of Education has introduced Common University Entrance Test (CUET-UG) for admission to all UG Programmes in various universities across the country. This step aims to provide a level playing field to students, especially those from rural and other remote areas, seeking admission to university of their choice.
TestFit – The Entrance Cracker for Accountancy has been prepared with this end in view. The book strictly conforms to CUET (UG)-2022 syllabus and guidelines as notified by the Department of Higher Education.
This book comprises 17 Chapters. Each Chapter begins with Chapter At A Glance (given in the QR Code). The Chapters in the syllabus are those which have been studied while preparing for the Class XII Board Examination. Since the Chapters At A Glance are in brief, students may refer to the book T.S. Grewal’s Double Entry Book Keeping (Class XII) for detailed understanding where considered appropriate.
Each Chapter in the book has a variety of Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) of diverse Difficulty levels (Difficult, Moderate, Easy) to assess students’ learning and problem-solving abilities.
The typology of questions (with answers) provided in the book includes:
* Simple MCQs
* Statement Based MCQs (Case Study Based MCQs)
* Sequence Based MCQs
* Matching Questions
* Combination with Single Answer Questions
* Computerised Accounting System MCQs