Sultan Chand

Fundamentals of Environmental Studies: As per syllabus prescribed by University Grants Commission (UGC)

Author: Dr. Sarita Kumar

Rs. 202.00 Rs. 225.00

Fundamentals of Environmental Studies has been prepared strictly in accordance with the syllabus prescribed by the UGC and modified by University of Delhi. It is an introductory course for students which aims at training them to cater to the needs of ecological citizenship through development of a strong foundation on the critical linkage between ecology-society-economy. The content of the book has been prepared with utmost care following the guidelines and framework of the syllabus with a balanced view, diligently avoiding personal biases and popular philosophies.
The book follows a student-friendly writing style, which is highly interactive, with a simple, direct and precise approach. The content of the book has been thematically divided into Eight Chapters and indexed right in the beginning. Concepts have been discussed keeping in mind that content and pedagogies are developmentally appropriate. Necessary details and adequate information required for effective delivery of concepts have been included in the book.
Sincere efforts have been made towards efficient teaching-learning methodologies. The text of the book is so designed as to promote understanding and develop important skills among young minds, who will find it interesting and informative. For better understanding of the concept, each page has been carefully designed and related text, figures and tables have been placed together minimising the need for page turning. A unique illustration program with well-labelled artwork has been integrated to augment concept clarity. Charts, graphs and figures have been used at appropriate places to present facts and illustrate the scope of environmental issues.
Major issues have been identified and supplemented with appropriate examples characteristic of all environmental problems. Case studies and interesting information have also been added at places to assist the learners integrate instructive information presented in descriptive form. Activities as transactional strategies have been introduced at various places to clarify the concepts.
Each chapter carries additional information in box to apprise students of the novel work done in the relevant field. Chapter-end exercises include ample objective and subjective questions. Basic terminology and Key terms used in each chapter have been compiled and explained in Glossary for easy grasp and enhancement of students’ understanding and learning.